As the boundaries between the living and the dead blur, Irène’s denial navigates through the five stages of grief, ultimately confronting her profound anguish and sorrow.
Watch trailerKate Maveau
Maxim Honoré
Veerle Colle
Joke Sluydts
Cristina Vanlook Reyes
Joke Sluydts
Cristina Vanlook Reyes
Kate Maveau
Veerle Colle
Claudia Vandamme
Kate Maveau
Giovanna Tamà
Veerle Colle
Maik Schibaert
Dorine Stroobant
Maxim Honoré
Anouk Hasaers
Patrick Nishimwe
Steven Van den Broecke
Timmer Taeymans
Lisa Haezebrouck
Yven Stroobant
Steffi Van de Merlen
Greta Bruyneels
Dorine Stroobant
Dirk De Baecke
Darline Vanacker
Giovanna Tamà
Pieter Van den Bosch
Marika Sarkozi
Sara Tamà
Elif Korkmaz
Elif Korkmaz
Mike Maveau
The Pack
Filip Croon
Kate Maveau
Robin Van den Acker
Nicolas Duval
Sofie Hoflack
Tine Colle
Jero Mancillas
Dylan De Ruyver
Isabeau De Feyter
Sarah Blomme
Koen Biebaut
Jeroen Reyniers
Inneke Schwickert
Dorine Stroobant
Tina Peirlinck
Rita Vervaet
Kate Van Wilderode
Niki Van Mechelen
Annick Verbeeck
Silke Vandenbroeck
Annelies Van Cauwenberghe
Pauline Horemans
Emanuel Imfeld
Yven Stroobant
Sara Tamà
Giovanna Tamà
Paula Álvarez
Pieter Van den bosch
Marika Sarkozi
Mike Maveau
Greta Bruyneels
The Movie Lot
La Fidelité - Constantia
Atelier Tamà
Jules Logistics
The Pack
Beauty Of Art
Kickstarter Backers
Traiteur Zugoe
Rivierenhof, Deurne
Sylvia Nuyts
Wouter Melens
Katleen Goossens
Geert Maveau
Nick Bal
Uitvaartzorg Denolf Zwevezele
Nadia Bruyneels
John Giordano
Luc Krols
Fort 4, Mortsel
Genre - Narrative fiction, Poetic Horror
Length - 11min
Screening Format - DCP/Pro Res
Audio Format - Dolby 5.1/stereo
Aspect Ratio - 2.39 : 1
Shooting Format - APPLE PRORES 4444 XQ
Camera - Arri Alexa Mini
Original Soundtrack - Violin, Zither, Uilleann pipes, Digital
"Deze kortfilm brengt op uiterst sfeervolle manier de verschillende stadia van rouw, dit door middel van Irène welke haar trauma probeert te verwerken nadat ze haar vrouw vroegtijdig moest afgeven. Verdriet, angst, woede, waanzin... Alle emoties krijgen een gezicht door de sterke lead in deze drama-psychologische horror hybride. Knap!" - Belgica Obscura
"The restaurant scene and the final scene just...oof. That's a very specific, palpable type of grief. This one punches you in the gut, but in a good way, if that makes sense. Like, this is film." - Damien
"It Burns engages the viewer in the experience of grief and clearly provides an intimate sharing of this human experience for so many"
"There is much to admire about this short film. The filmmakers successfully transfer the tone from creepy, solemn, dark humor, and tragedy with engrossing appeal. I loved following this character’s point of view through her story."
"Thank you for this somber look at the survivors left behind after the suicide of a loved one."
Turin, Italy | World Premiere
Winner - 'Audience Award'
Florida, USA | North American Premiere
Nominated - 'Best International Short'
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | South American Premiere
competition - 'Best International Fiction'
Virginia, USA | Virginia Premiere
In competition - 'Best International Fiction'
Torino, Italy
In competition - 'Best International Fiction'
Brugge, Belgium | Belgian Premiere
In competition - 'Belgica Obscura'
Oregon, USA | Oregon Premiere
In competition - 'Best International Short'
New York City, USA | New York Premiere
In competition - 'Best International Short'
Namur, Belgium | Wallonia Premiere
In competition - 'Sélection Belge'
Catania, Italy | Sicilian Premiere
In competition - 'Best International Short'
London, UK | UK Premiere
In competition - 'Best International Short'
Pittsburgh, USA | Pennsylvania Premiere
In competition - 'Best Narrative'
Antwerp, Belgium
Winner - 'Best National Short'
Rimini, Italy
In competition - 'Amarcort'
Belgrado, Serbia | Serbian Premiere
Nominated - 'Best International Short'
Spokane, USA | Washington Premiere
In competition - 'Best Short'
Brooklyn (NY), USA | Brooklyn Premiere
In competition - 'Best Short'
March 9th at 3.45 pm
The Magic Lantern Theater, 25 W. Main Ave, Spokane
April 2nd at 7 pm
Nitehawk Cinema, 188 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, NY
December 15th at 4.30 pm
Jugoslovenska kinoteka, Uzun Mirkova 1, Belgrado
Saturday, December 7th at TBA
Cinema Sant'Agostino, Rimini
Tuesday, December 3rd at 10
Cinema Sant'Agostino, Rimini
November 28th - December 1st
November 14th - November 24th
Saturday, November 23rd at 7 pm
Filmhuis Klappei, Antwerp
Thursday, November 14th at 8.30 am
Catania Campus, Catania
Saturday, November 2nd at 1 pm
Sint-Lodewijkscollege, Brugge
Friday, November 1th at 2 pm
Quai 22, Namur
Saturday, October 19th at 3.45 pm
Kennedy School, Portland
Friday, October 18th at 2.10 pm
REGAL 14TH ST., New York City
Thursday, Oct 10 at 6.30 pm
Broei, Ghent
September 27 at 10.45 pm
Cinema Baretti, Torino IT
September 25 at 8.45 pm
Bow Tie Movieland, Richmond VA
Friday, July 5 at 5 pm
Friday, April 26 at 6.15 pm
AMC Sundial 12 Theatre #4
Saturday, April 20 at 4.30 pm
Cinema Massimo 3
Friday, April 19 at 8 pm
Cinema Massimo 3